Illegal Content Internet Hotline |
Dear users!
Welcome to the Friendly Runet Foundation’s reporting page
On this page you can report about illegal materials on the Internet.
You can either report us anonymously, or leave us your e-mail.
Thank you very much for your contribution to fighting the spread of illegal content on the Internet!
Where did you find this material?
In order to check the site, we need its URL address or the direct page address, for example, http://www.xxxxxx.xx/xxx.htm. Copy this address to the URL address field below. If you have any information you think may assist us in finding reported material such as a description of where the content you are reporting is located on a large website or username and password needed to gain access, please include it in the description box.
When you are reporting an e-mail that advertises and/or links to potentially illegal online content, we require the Web address of the content. A URL address or the direct page address looks like this: http://www.xxxxxx.xx/xxx.htm или www.xxxxxx.xx или xxxxxx.xx If you cannot find or see a Web address in the mail, for example the mail simply says "Click Here", follow these instructions to find the Web address or use the help feature in your email client: 1. If you are using the reading pane in Outlook or Outlook Express, Right Click on the text in the window. 2. Select View Source, a new window will open displaying the source code of the email. 3. Select and copy all the code and then paste it to the description box below. These instructions are for Outlook and Outlook Express, if you are using other e-mail system, please seek specialist’s advice.
If you have found the reported material on the internet, please, include as much information as possible: The name of the group, for example, Author of the posting, for example, Subject (title) of posting, for example, collection of images. Message ID,for example, If you have any additional information that you think may help us to find the reported material, please, include it in the description box.